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You may be aware that the government introduced ‘The Pupil Premium Grant’ in April 2011 and schools are allocated additional funding into their school budget.
The premium provides funding specifically for children from lower income families or service families who have registered. The purpose of the grant into schools is to raise achievement and improve outcomes for these children. Now that all children in EYFS/KS1 are entitled to free school meals, it is important that families register for pupil premium funding as schools are not automatically informed of entitlement.
We will be able to use the grant in a number of ways, whilst ensuring it is carefully targeted for those eligible children in order to help them achieve their potential both academically and socially. The main ways in which the money can be spent are:
The Department of Education website is a good source of additional information:
If you receive any of the benefits listed below, then you should apply for pupil premium funding:
You can apply via the County Council or through us: please give your details in confidence to our office manager.
Below, you can find all the pupil premium reports from the school.
Our school will have the opportunity to spend the sport funding on developing the provision of PE and sport and our aim is to create a legacy for our school for future years in increasing participation and the quality of Physical Education within school.
We will receive our sports funding in 2017 and our primary aims will be to:
The advisory board and staff agree that the money must be used so that ALL children benefit regardless of their sporting ability. It’s important this funding opportunity is used appropriately so that when it ends, we have a legacy that can continue for future years. Our school places a high priority on our PE provision and we are keen to develop both the curriculum PE and extra – curricular sports during lunchtime and after school.
The school believes that physical education plays a vital role in contributing to a child’s physical and emotional development and well-being.
We aim to provide as many sporting opportunities as we can for all our pupils within the curriculum, extra-curricular activities and competitions.
Our long term vision is to develop a Discovery Schools Sports Programme. The programme would see a wide range of sports and events being delivered so that all children and young people would have access to them. In order to do this a ‘sports manager’ would be appointed to manage, operate and deliver much of the programme. Specialist coaches would work across the cluster of schools in curriculum and after-school time. By pooling a percentage of the funding across the Discovery schools a strong, sustainable sports partnership would be developed.
For a break down of the grants awarded and how they have been spent, please download the following PDF:
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