Fossebrook Primary Curriculum


We follow Read Write Inc in our approach to Phonics and follow their scheme. Our end of year expectations are:

End of pre-school – secure phase 1 (from Letters and Sounds Phonics Scheme)

End of reception – secure Set 1 & 2

End of year 1 – secure Set 3

These are floor standards and many of our children are working at a higher level than this. All children take home a phonics book specific to the sounds that they have been taught so they can apply these sounds when segmenting and blending and build fluency in their reading skills.

Parents and Carers – Ruth Miskin Literacy

RSE & Religious Education

Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their child from RE & RSE lessons, either partly or wholly, after discussing with class teacher and RE/RSE Lead.

Years 1-3

Years 4-6

RSE & Religious Education

Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their child from RE & RSE lessons, either partly or wholly, after discussing with class teacher and RE/RSE Lead.

Click the buttons below to navigate to the different Year Group Pages.