If the weather takes a change for the worse, we would like to inform you of the plan we will follow if we need to close the school:

  • We will contact Radio Leicester if the school is to close and information will be broadcasted on 104.90FM, normally from 7.30am onwards (it is quite often before). They also put details on BBC Local News Leicester website. Please do not ring the Radio Station.
  • You will also receive a text message from the school to the parent/guardian listed as contact 1 and 2 on your child’s profile.

If you do not hear to the contrary assume that the school will re-open as normal the following day.

We will endeavor, where possible, to keep the school open but keeping the children and staff safe is paramount. If you have any concerns about travelling in the snow please take care and inform the school as soon as possible if you will be delayed. We will do our upmost to have the phone manned, whatever the weather.

If the school needs to be closed during the school day, we will contact parents as quickly as possible and also follow the above procedure.